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Trust, Expand, and Have Patience - Tips for the Perfectionist

Uncategorized Jul 02, 2018

At the beginning of this year, I set my intentions to TRUST and EXPAND, as I began the Education Optimist journey.

For those of you that don't know, Education Optimist, is a Montessori Coaching business for parents, teachers, and schools.

These words came to me because I was scared to start this new journey, but knew I had to make a change. TRUST and EXPAND.

Can you think of  a time when you knew you wanted something different in your life, and either did what you needed to, to make the change, or you sat complacent because it was easier to keep doing what you were doing than make the change?

This is where I found myself in January 2018. My heart, passion, and dedication belongs to Education. I am a lifelong learner and it's not because of the experience I had in our conventional school system...well in some ways it is. My calling to make an impact on the way we educate children is so strong because of the complacent experience I had in the conventional system. School should be a place where your natural curiosity is fostered and you are challenged to get out of your comfort zone and follow your dreams.

Instead it's guided by a standardized system that's based on tests. Hear me out, I'm not saying conventional school is the worst thing that's ever happened. What I am saying is that there is so much more room for color, creativity, and following the passion of every child, than the limiting curriculum that is based on a standardized test.

I've digressed from my original message but I think it is pertinent to elaborate on "why" my mission to impact education is so strong in my soul.

We are raising the next generation. People who have been given the responsibility of raising children have been given one of the most meaningful and impactful jobs that exist. It's time we start looking at it that way, as a community. Education starts at home, in a child's most formidable years, grows into the school years, and blooms into college, or the life experiences of each child.

I see way too much pain in the world to sit back and say ok, we're doing this education thing right and things are good. Just flip on the TV, THERE IS SO MUCH ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT.

Anyhow, I started the year with the words TRUST and EXPAND. I knew that if I could take the scary leap of just starting the Education Optimist journey I wouldn't regret it. I also knew because I felt so passionate about it that if I didn't, I would surely regret that.

I chose "expand" because I can't make an impact if I don't expand. In April, another word came to me all at once. You see, I'm a perfectionist, so in April, when I didn't have a full running business making the changes and impacts and inspiring people the way I wanted to, I felt frustrated! 

It was at that point, that the word, "Patience" came tumbling down on to me. Yes, I need to trust and expand but I also need to have patience in trusting the process.

So here I am over half way through the year. I'm working hard every day on the having patience piece. But I know in my heart by trusting and expanding and now having patience that I am on the right path and things will either pay off or they'll turn and navigate me towards a different direction.

Either way, I've jumped on board for what life has to offer me. I'm following what I know to be true in my heart and it's impossible to have regrets if that's what your journey is about.

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